1990’s Current 2000’s 1990’s 1980’s 1970’s Paintings Play,1996, acrylic on canvas. 210x297mm Processional, detail, 1990, oil on canvas 180x100cm The Night Walk, 1992, gouache on paper, 210x210mm The Easel, 1992, gouache on paper, 210x210mm The Hat, 1992, gouache on paper, 210x210mm The Tide, 1994, gouache on paper, 210x297mm The Veil,1995, mixed media, 210x148mm Self portrait, 1990, oil on paper, 420x594mm Drawings ‘Head of Seated Figure’ 1990 charcoal & conte on paper Ballet leggings, sketch, 1990, conte Dancer resting, sketch, 1990, conte Two dancers, sketch, 1990, conte